Pumpkin Stuff for October

And now it is Autumn, or Fall if you are in the New Continent, but it is everywhere is pumpkin season. And it is my favorite Autumn’s fruit[^1] and I eat it in any way. And some time I make it for eating it with a good cup of tea. So in this post I make a recipe for the “Witch’s Bread”, a family recipe for pumpkin tea cake.

Witch's Bread

Recipe by fundor333


Prep time


Cooking time






  • 900g of boiled pumpkin only the inside of the pumpkin

  • 600g of flour 00

  • 300g of butter

  • 200g of Amaretti (the biscuit)

  • 3 eggs

  • 20g of baker powder


  • Break the amaretti in a powder or little pieces.
  • In a large bow combine pumpkin, baker power, flour and the butter mixing them as long as they become one uniform compost.
  • Add the eggs and the Amaretti powder.
  • Mix all as long as they become somthing like a ice cream like in the photo.
  • Put this compost on a baking sheet with a spoon for making the bread.
  • Bake at 200° C for 10 minutes or until golden brown. The outside must be hard and the inside soft. This is an example of them.

For them I suggest or:

  •  A strong black tea. 
  • A spicy tea like a cinnamon or someting similar.

For better use of them I suggest to eat them with friends when on break or at the tea time. Can cause addiction.

Good October for every one.

Picture of fundor333
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